Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers

Références et table des matières

Joshua Shapiro - Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers

SHAPIRO, Joshua. Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers. Gainsville : Crystal Interdimensional Journeys & Explorations, LLC, 2011, 133 pages.

Le quatrième de couverture

Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers – The Travel Log Series: is a new series of Kindle e-books that will share for the first time the new journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers (Joshua Shapiro & Katrina Head, Americans) into the world as the investigate the mysteries of the crystal skulls. Each book in this series will include their reports made shortly after the journey and include startling photos of what they saw and new crystal skulls they saw.

The first e-book in the Travel Log Series will be about two trips to Mexico City in 2009. In Chapter 1, you will meet Maestro Rosales a well known Mexican muralist who has a fabulous collection of mesoamerican artifacts include a number of crystal skulls. Also in this chapter, you will meet Jamie Maussan, a famous UFO researcher and journalist who also happens to have a very old rose quartz skull known as « Rosie ». Chapter 2 involves the Explorers first journey to an ancient city that has huge pyramids (Teotihaucan) and attending a special crystal skull conference where even more unseen crystal skulls appear.

This new series of e-books is the Crystal Skull Explorers way to share finally, in Enlglish the information contained with the book « Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers » that has only come out in partial versions in Dutch, Hungarian and Polish (even though it has been written in English). Thanks to the format of Kindle small e-books – over the next year or so (2011-2012) we hope to release many books that contain the entire information we have collected for the larger version of this book. The second book to come out in this series will be about « The Search for the Blue Skull in Peru ».


Edition non acquise au 18/11/2023.

Sources mentionnées

Edition non acquise au 18/11/2023.

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